Everyone needs a voice in our democracy. We worked with representatives from over 50 groups to spread the message of the campaign to all corners of the country.
The historical impact of women on the 2016 election was meaningful, powerful, and long-lasting. When women work together, they have the power to influence policy, laws, and even the presidential race.
At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, the party put forth its most progressive and LGBTQ-inclusive platform, including key provisions that focused on improving the lives and protecting the rights of all LGBTQ Americans. In June, Hillary Clinton surprised New York Pride attendees by becoming the first major party nominee to walk in a pride parade.
Young adults make up a fifth of the eligible voting population, but they often don’t show up to the polls. We reached this audience by connecting with them through school spirit-based messaging in the context of their daily lives on campus.
It was important for us to put things in people’s hands to get them involved in the campaign and help them spread the message.
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The Des Moines Register, Clinton Launches Cy-Hawk-Themed Snapchat Filter for Iowa-Iowa State Game