In December of 2015, when the other side ratcheted up the hateful language, we knew we needed to respond. What started out as a simple three-word message ultimately became the call-to-action of the election.
We began with a social graphic, around 11am, and supporters went bonkers. By 1pm we were selling bumper stickers. That’s how the process worked: fast and responsive.
It’s tough to look at the way Meg Vázquez resolved the design and think that the choices were so deliberate, but they were. Simplified typography and color alone were all it needed. It was intentionally undesigned, as with many things within our brand, to allow for our supporters to fill it with their own meaning.
“Love Trumps Hate” became a slogan adopted by supporters all over the country, in protest and in celebration. People chanted it and other Democratic candidates said it. The message still lives on today, reminding us of the power of good to overcome the power of evil.
Team Social
AIGA, The design director behind “Love Trumps Hate” on designing for Hillary Clinton